Sunday, March 22, 2009


There are a myriad of companies, both on- and off-line that focus on finding new jobs. BUT… to give yourself the best chance of landing a new and (hopefully) better job, you have to make the most of your current one. This is where we come in. It is our aim to accelerate your career by maximising your current value and so increasing your marketability – and that means bigger salaries for you. Increasingly, it is up to the individual to carve their own career, independent of any organisational "initiatives". This is because:

a).Job security is being eroded.
b).Job life expectancy is decreasing.
c). Organisations are geared up for flexibility.

This means you need to be flexible, too. It means you can no longer rely on blanket training programmes or on getting promoted. Each employees needs are becoming highly individual. It also means changing jobs at some stage is pretty much inevitable. So you will need to know how to market yourself. And the best way to do that is to have a highly saleable product – a high value "You".

We gives you the means to do this. You can:
•Give yourself unique, valuable and marketable skills with our
training courses.
•Accumulate daily working techniques with our e-mail training
course, "The Pro File" to give yourself an unsurpassable
•Devise your career plan through our exclusive blogpost.

•Market yourself with a killer ProFile CV.
•Plug those gaps in your career knowledge through our Free
Advice blogpost.
And there's our free weekly careers blog post, with up-to-date insights
on the employment market.I'm sure you'll find something to boost your career.
You only get one career. Protect it, nurture it, invest in it.

They Never Tell You When You Start Work And Why! You are about to discover some very useful insights into the world of work. Insights that should make your working days less stressful, more understandable and meaningful and quite possibly more lucrative, too. These few pages divulge some very valuable information. Information that could open your eyes to a new way of working if you so choose; certainly a new way of thinking.

This concise collection of no-nonsense disclosures about the world of work, its pitfalls, its peculiarities and its opportunities took me many years to accumulate and decipher. They could have saved me a whole lot of grief in the early years, had I known it all back then. But they certainly made life more tolerable in the meantime.It is written in my preferred style - open, free-flowing and
conversational, which pulls few punches. This booklet is after all
intended to expose a few home truths, so there is no point in mincing about.

You may not like some of the points made here and some you may not believe in or agree with them all. But whether you do or not,they do happen, every day, up and down the country. It all depends on your personal nature. If you're happy doing what you do, that's fine. If, however, you are looking to make life easier for yourself, or for ways to get on a bit, then you'll likely find the nuggets of information very useful.

As is explained in Number 10, application is the key to learning. So, as you read each one, give some thought as to how it applies to your own situation. I sincerely hope you find real value in these insights. They have certainly proved to be very valuable for me. Enjoy.

The First Thing They Never Tell You
#1."You will be paid the lowest possible amount
they can get away with."
Why should this be so?
1. For a start there is little union power around these days to argue
2. You have to wait two years now before you get the employee
protection you used to get after 6 months.
3. There are plenty of other people waiting in the wings to take your
place for a lower fee if you refuse.
4. If you do protest, you can typically kiss promotion goodbye.
5. Employee costs are a significant percentage of total costs and
are usually monitored in budgets and reports. It is often a key
management performance indicator (like production, wastage,
stock levels and so on). So it is in their own promotional interests
to keep them as low as possible.So what's the answer? It depends on your view.
If you need security more than a stunning wage, stay put and argue your case at your annual reviews.

If you want the money, you need to build yourself a glittering CV and jump ship at suitable moments. This may mean volunteering for projects, taking extra responsibility, making suggestions, and sometimes swallowing your pride and compromising your better judgement.In the lower ranks, getting your way is secondary to getting promoted. The difference you can make is not significant, anyway.
The people who can make a difference and can get you promoted are higher up.

Besides, you will eventually have the last laugh when you become more marketable. And nothing annoys your antagonists more than agreeing with them! Be satisfied with that. And make note of No.9 here. Most of all, keep records of your work, your results and your improvements as evidence for your CV.

Whatever you do, you should realise that it is all a means to an end. Your aim is to build an impressive CV and to back it up with the facts and figures of your proof of capability for your next employer. To be 2# reason,


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