Monday, October 27, 2008


In an interview, candidates are often offered a cup of coffee. The candidates get confused and become apprehensive whether they should accept the offer or refuse it. The condition even worsens when the coffee is accompanied with cookies. What should a candidate do?
Well the season for interview is on. So much have been said and read about interviews and yet when a fresher appears for an interview he becomes unarmed. All his knowledge and training suddenly becomes insufficient and he has to take his own stance.
A part from the usual problems reported, a student narrated experience of his interview in MNC in Nairobi where he made a complete mess of the offered coffee and job on offer. It happens many times a candidate gets confused when offered a cup of coffee during an interview. The candidate becomes little apprehensive and gets into dilemma whether he should accept the offer or refuse it. This seems to be too simple but may have its various repercussions which need to be analyzed appropriately. It becomes little difficult for an individual to handle the complicated situation as it remains geared up with punch of heavy questions on head. An individual in his own cerebral pop corning starts weighing pros and cons of the situation. Let us analyze.
If interviewer is himself taking coffee as he is tired with long row of candidates waiting outside the interview room or it’s the routine coffee time, a candidate can understand the genuine need of coffee by an interviewer. He should understand that an interviewer is apprehensive in having it alone so is apprehensive in having it alone so is offering you the same. If otherwise the coffee is offered during the interview ideally candidate can politely reply, “Thanks for the offer, I just had it.’ An interviewer may force to accept the same however, care needs to be taken by an interviewee that his sip should not be before the sip taken by an interviewer says Experts, Soft Skill Trainer, INC, Nairobi. The agenda may comprise of noticing how you pick the cup and saucer, are there any shaky hands creating clinking noise. An individual is advised to handle cup carefully without shaky hand. The idea is to check your confidence.
A candidate is advised to deny initially, however could accept when insisted. However could accept when insisted. However, it is not important that he should finish coffee. This can be your strategy to satisfy an interviewer’s urge. Candidate needs to be little careful with the scum that may remain on the top of the slightly cold coffee. He should smartly remove or engulf the scum depending on his willingness taking care that it should not get attached to lips, says Kimani, soft Skill Trainer.
An interviewee is expected to be more confident with smiling face and should not convey any nervousness. He should hold the cup from its holder and not from another side. Saucer should not be picked. An individual can deny biscuits and if offered later can take one.
An interviewer is likely to be interested to know whether the candidate may get well with the operation of the organization. One of the HR , says that employer of different nation may view the offered coffee differently. For instance an American may not mind denial while an Kenyan employer or for that sake an European employer may mind your denial. Having accepted the offer to have a cup of coffee, a candidate should take care that there should not be any distraction in communicating with the interviewer. The culture in the business organization has changed and I do not find any reason that an offered cup of coffee could be viewed otherwise.
Well a cup of coffee may be offered to the candidate to make him more comfortable in the interview room. There are no hidden agenda. However, it is her experience that fresher generally denies even though he is offered twice or thrice. A smart candidate rather will grab the opportunity half way and will take chance of making coffee asking how many sugar cubes for your Sir/Madam?
Conclusion: The situation is surrounded by various factors like position for which an individual has applied, psyche of an interviewer, confidence level of an interviewer, knowledge and preparation of an individual including his attitude.

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